Title: Shadow Bound
Author: Erin Kellison
Series: Shadow #1
Age Group: Mature Teens- Adults
Rating: 8.5
Couple: M/F
Synopsis: Talia has a unique gift. Adam is in a unique situation. Together they are able to face what it happening in the world with a little bit of help from Death.
I am purposely being vague as I think the story will be a that much of a better read.
Review: I first saw this story as a free Nook download in August of 2010. It sounded interesting and it was free. Why not?
It wasn't until maybe a week ago that I was looking through my Nook and stumbled upon it again. I started reading. Unfortunately, I had to stop after the prologue but I was HOOKED. I was telling anyone that would listen to me about this book. When I went back to it a couple days later, I threw a mini temper tantrum because I had to stop after a couple chapters. Third times a charm. I picked it up again and finished it. I was a little disappointed that after an amazing opening there was a dry spell a little towards the end. It didn't last long and it was probably only so noticeable because the beginning was THAT amazing. But I stuck it out and was satisfied with how the book was wrapped up.
Cautions: There are references to sex, a few sexual scenes, references to rape, people dying in terrible ways. Not for the faint of heart.
Series: After researching the crap out of this book after I finished it, I discovered a couple things.
First: It is not available in paperback yet... Yea. A little weird.
Second: The second book was available a month after this one was released. Again... a little strange.
Third: The third one comes out later this year and I cannot wait. It looks amazing.
Expect a review of the second one entitled Shadow Fall to be on my blog in the coming weeks.
HEA: For the characters. Not for the world. We are waiting on the hea for the world. I am, as always, hopeful.